Daily News Article 5/9


My unlocking word meanings

  • smugglers

    • 密輸業者
  • lucrative

    • 有益な
  • extravagant

    • 贅沢な
  • regulatory

    • 規制の
  • apprehend

    • 捕まえる
  • apiece

    • 個々に
  • exploitation

    • 搾取

article abstract

Indonesian police have arrested smugglers who have sold over 40 Komodo dragons online. The smuggler of Komodo Dragons is lucrative but illegal business in Indonesia. To save them, national and international regulatory bodies have passed lows against the reptile's exploitation.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • Do you think the arrest of the smugglers mentioned above will lessen cases of Komodo dragon exploitation in Indonesia? Why or why not?

Partly yes. Because some people will give up smuggling with this rule and news. But if the rule gets tougher, the price of the animal will be higher, so someone will still keep smuggling.

  • What would you do if you saw someone selling a Komodo dragon or another endangered species online? Discuss.

If I could find that, I will inform to police. But I think all of this selling information is hidden with unpredictable words and photo, so we cannot understand what is sold.

  • How do you think smugglers can be prevented from capturing species from their natural habitat?

At first, a higher fine will prevent this. And then, we can check baggage of ships and planes more strictly.

  • What do you think should authorities do to endangered species that have already been sold? Discuss.

If it was already sold, we will not be able to find them, so we cannot do anything.

Daily News Article 5/8


My unlocking word meanings

  • deprive of

    • ~を奪う
  • factor in ~

    • 〜を考慮する
  • treaty

    • 条約
  • disciplinary

    • 懲戒

article abstract

The European Commission has fined Nike for limiting the sale of licensed soccer merchandise across the EEA. Because Nike's action deprived customers of a wider option of products to buy and made the items price higher.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • How do you think the investigation results will affect Nike’s business practices?

Of course, Nike should keep disciplinary through their business practices. So it will decrease the revenue of Nike.

  • How do you think customers will react to the investigation results?

Nike deprived customers of wider option so that they will get angry with Nike. And when other products are sold, Nike's revenue will go down.

  • What do you think are the benefits of selling products in other countries? Explain.

At first, to sell in many places will increase revenue. And they can know people's -who is in that place- preference.

  • What are the possible risks of selling products in other countries? Discuss.

The company should understand the rule or culture of that place. If they don't, some fines or criticism will occur.

Daily News Article 5/7


My unlocking word meanings

  • a nod to something

    • a gesture of recognition of something
  • call someone out

    • to publicly criticize someone for doing something bad

article abstract

Gucci has released a line of distressed shoes, but they were not well-received on social media. Because users thought the design is accusing the brand of commercial poverty.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • Do you agree with the criticisms about Gucci’s “Screener” shoes? Why or why not?

I do not agree with that. Because some brands have already sold vintage goods, like damaged jeans. these jeans became popular, so it was the same as Gucci's sneakers.

  • How do you think Gucci should address the criticisms about the shoes? Discuss.

Partly yes. Getting bad reputations is not good for the brand. So Gucci should hear the criticism and think about how to tell them the shoes.

  • Would you be willing to spend a huge amount of money for an item sold by a well-known brand? Why or why not?

No. I'm not interested in brands itself. But I want to use more sophisticated items, and if the item has well-known brands, I will be willing to buy the item.

  • Why do you think some people tend to buy branded items? Discuss.

Because "brand" means that they are trusted for the quality of the items or services. For example, there are many smartphones, but we tend to buy an iPhone because we already trusted that Apple would guarantee quality.

Daily News Article 5/6


My unlocking word meanings

  • applauds

    • 褒める
  • evaporation

    • 蒸発

article abstract

A mining company is putting the island of solar panels to the test. It will decrease polluting electric energy and reduce water consumption. Chilean government applauds the company's initiative, and it is an excellent idea.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • How do you think the environment would benefit if other mining companies used floating solar islands? Explain.

It is a nice action for the environment. Because solar energy is not polluting energy. And in this case, we can reduce water consumption too.

  • Do you think floating solar islands should also be used in other bodies of water (e.g. sea, river)? Why or why not?

Yes, for example, to supply electric energy to a sea is not easy. So providing electricity from the sea is a very effective way. But in this case, we need to think wind and flow of water.

  • Aside from using huge amounts of water and energy, what are the other environmental effects of mining? Explain.

Polluting water and land with rocks and sands. And huge noise, it may scare animals.

  • In your opinion, can mining ever be environmentally friendly? Why or why not?

Yes, it can. through technology improving, all industry and all human activity will be environmentally friendly, I think.

Daily News Article 5/5


My unlocking word meanings

  • respiratory

    • 呼吸器系
  • beacon of hope

    • something that gives inspiration and hope
  • pay it forward

    • to respond to someone’s act of kindness by also being kind to a different person

article abstract

A woman who was saved by a hospital as a premature baby is now working at the same hospital. She said it is an honor to be able to pay it forward and take care of children who are in the same situation she was. And also herself is a beacon of hope for parents with premature babies.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • Do you think Lewis’ success story is enough to give hope to parents with preemies? Why or why not?

I think so. Not only the sample of surviving from the situation but also now she is working for saving other premature babies.

  • If you were Lewis, would you also choose to work as a nurse at the same NICU that took care of you as a baby? Explain.

If I was in the situation, I might want to become a doctor or nurse. Because thanks to the hospital and nurses, I could survive. So I try to spend my life saving other babies.

  • Is it important to pay it forward when someone does something good to you? Explain.

Yes. People are helping each other. We are part of the society where we are in. So doing something good will make society better.

  • If someone saved your life, how would you express your gratitude to him/her?

Daily News Article 5/4


My unlocking word meanings

  • scalding

    • やけど
  • lukewarm

    • ぬるい

article abstract

A recent study revealed that drinking scalding beverages have a risk of having cancer. So the researcher advises the public to wait until the beverages become lukewarm before drinking. But some experts said there is no exact reason why drinking hot drink will cause such risks.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • Given that some experts do not consider drinking hot beverages a major risk, do you think the results of the study should still be a cause for alarm? Why or why not?

Yes, I think so. Even if the reason why drinking hot beverages will cause such risks are still open to question, I think drinking hot things is not good for our body, because we cannot stay in the room at a temperature of 60 degree Celsius.

  • In your opinion, which should the researchers focus on next: further research on the cause of cancer or its treatment? Explain.

In my opinion, what risk is hidden with drinking hot beverages is exciting research. I think these drinks will cause us some harmful effects somehow.

  • In what other ways can hot temperature harm people’s health (e.g. sunburn, dehydration)? Discuss.

Dehydration is a critical problem I think. Because it's not happening suddenly, so people should take care of it every time.

  • How do you think these health effects can be prevented?

At first, we should know these problems correctly, why it happens and what is the prevention. And then, we can come up with the idea about how we avoid them ourselves.

Daily News Article 5/3


My unlocking word meanings

  • exploit

    • 悪用する
  • breach

    • 侵害
  • in case of

  • 〜の場合

  • divulge

    • 明かす
  • prescriptions

    • 処方

article abstract

According to research from University, some Android health apps leaked user privacy data. These data include user's emails, health conditions, drug prescriptions, and they will be used for advertising and credit card ratings. So the researchers advised doctors to be mindful of the possible privacy issues using mobile apps, and also encouraged to app developers to divulge all data sharing processes and allow users to decide what data should be shared.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • In your opinion, why is it important to protect users’ health information?

Because some of them are sensitive information, and most people don't want others to know about that. And sometimes these data will be used for judging like credit card rating or employment.

  • Aside from health apps, what other apps do you think can risk users’ privacy (e.g. shopping apps, gaming apps)? Explain.

All kind of apps, because most companies want to know about users well, for advertisement, marketing, and so on. And nowadays to gather private information became easy.

  • What private information are you willing to share online?

Of course, it depends on the service, but name and email are OK to share to online services because I think it is needed for communicating and identifying.

  • How can users protect their private information when engaging in online activities?

The only thing we can do is read terms enough and share information with the trustable services. And if this information was leaked, to think about changing their identification like changing the email.