Daily News Article 5/12


My unlocking word meanings

  • wage
    • 賃金

article abstract

Lyft, the ride-hailing service company went public. And on the same day, drivers staged a protest for low wages, pay cuts, the poor working conditions. According to these complaints, Lyft established programs meant to aid drivers.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • How do you think the drivers’ protests will affect potential investors’ perception of Lyft? Discuss.

This protests may affect so much. Because at this ride-hailing service, drivers are an essential part of it. If they don't want to work as a Lyft driver, the business will be broken.

  • If you were one of Lyft’s drivers, what would you do if the company fails to act on your concerns?

I have a right to change my job as I want. So I will seek the company that can act more about my concern.

  • Do you think protests are an effective way to voice out employee concerns? Why or why not?

It depends on the case but I will not do so. Because gathering employees and go on strike will take a lot of costs. And sometimes the return is not enough. So if I were in this situation, I would change the company to a new one.

  • Aside from protests, how else can employees effectively voice out their concerns? Discuss.

At the evaluation period. We can discuss our working environment based on our performance.