Daily News Article 5/14


My unlocking word meanings

  • dissolve

    • 溶かす
  • arid

    • 乾燥

article abstract

Researchers found the world longest salt cave in Israel. Salt caves are changing because rainfall dissolves the salt, and produce new pathways after the water dries out. Researchers will still explore uncharted areas that are located at the cave's upper levels.

Viewpoint Discussion

  • In your opinion, should the researchers publish their current findings while still exploring undiscovered parts of the cave? Why or why not?

If it includes something new like some animals in the cave or some special things, they should publish it. But if they find only a new pathway, no need. Because the pathway will change soon.

  • How do you think the study of the Malham Cave can contribute to the study of other caves?

I'm not sure. But for example, if some measures did not work at this cave, we can research the reason why. THrough these researches, we can know well toward caves.

  • In your opinion, is studying caves valuable? Explain.

Yes. Because before technologically advanced measures have come, we couldn't know the detail of inside of caves. So through this studying, perhaps we will find something new.

  • Apart from the unavailability of some technology, what other problems do you think researchers studying caves might experience? Discuss.

The most dangerous issue is for researchers life, like a landslide or lack of oxygen.